Valencia Trail Race Recap - 3.30

Our very first trail race as a team. Valencia Trail Race is part of New Global Adventures who also coordinates Grit OCR. It was exciting to mix things up and race a strict trail race rather than an OCR event. We used this race as a training day for the upcoming Spartan Race Beast in Big Bear next month.
We had the team race three different distances: 10k, half and 50k.
Genell took on the 50k and finished in less than 8 hours despite battling cramps a little half way through the course. This was her second 50k completion!
John B., Justin, Johnson and Minh took on the half. John B. battled a flu the week of but still managed to place 10th overall. Justin took 8th in Age Group.
Pamela, Tony and Jimmy bolted on the 10k distance and crushed it! Pamela took 1st overall female. Tony took 6th in AG and Jimmy took 4th overall and 1st in his AG.
Overall, it was a great performance from the entire team! We will definitely be doing this race again next year!
Much Love,
The HKP Team
Official Event Photos